GET Caring
Solution Services strives for long-term relationships with our customers by providing Smarter Solutions and Enjoyable Experiences. We established our company core values to assist in ensuring this. Our Core values motto is “GET Caring”.

G stands for Gritty
- We lean into difficulty and keep moving forward
- We actively engage people and projects when there are perceived problems and issues
- We don’t walk past difficulty
- Instead, we lean in
- We put our energy into being a part of the solution

E stands for Enjoyable
- We say Hello and ask how we can help
- We are thankful and grateful
- We strive for clear communication and engagement
- We smile
- We show that we want to be here

T stands for Trustworthy
- We are worthy of trust; dependable and reliable
- We do what we say we will do
- We strive for consistency
- We are on time
- We are honest, worthy of trust from our team and the customer

- We don’t walk past it; we are part of the solution
- We care about each other’s, our customers’ and vendors’ needs and expectations
- We ask questions and listen to others
- Our goal is to provide value
- We care about our purpose statement
We have roles within our company dedicated to executing our purpose, our vision and our core values:
- Director of building superior people
- Director of providing superior services
- Director of providing superior opportunities (the materials to build the others with)
- Director of timely and accurate data (provides superior touchpoints to vendors, subcontractors, and customers)
- Director of executing our purpose with extreme Grit
GET Caring is not just something that we say. We adhere to the values in all that we do from initial job interviews when the concept is presented, to all customer interactions, to monthly, quarterly and annual company meetings and beyond. Our goal is for every customer, every vendor and every employee to see the gritty, enjoyable, trustworthy and caring values in all that we do.