Solution Services was asked to replace, rework, and re-route the piping required for two new screen filters. These were designed to replace two existing filters while utilizing the same piping.

The new screen filters were significantly larger than those we were replacing, and consideration had to be given to operator access to the area as well as avoiding floor drains and other potential interferences. Utilizing a recent 3D scan of the area allowed us to accurately determine potential conflicts and accurately place the equipment. We were then able to rework and reroute the piping with minimal changes to the system as it currently stands.

An accurate 3D scan as well as a solid understanding of expectations of the area allowed for rapid execution of the project. AutoCAD Plant3D’s isometric generator worked well in overall creation while still allowing for edits and updates to better convey the necessary information. Thanks to these tools, we were able to accurately model and draw a solution for the client that considered their needs and minimized modifications required in the field, which in turn significantly lessened the amount of downtime needed for installation.