
GET Caring

GET Caring

GET CaringSolution Services strives for long-term relationships with our customers by providing Smarter Solutions and Enjoyable Experiences. We established our company core values to assist in ensuring this. Our Core values motto is “GET Caring”.G stands for Gritty We...

Four Levels of Scanning & Modeling

Four Levels of Scanning & Modeling

Four Levels of Scanning & ModelingLevel 1: Basic Point CloudProvide field scanning services to capture a point cloud and process it into a customer's preferred format. This includes basic point cloud cropping, customer coordinate system match, and providing the point...

Case Studies

Screen Filter Replacement

Screen Filter Replacement

TaskSolution Services was asked to replace, rework, and re-route the piping required for two new screen filters. These were designed to replace two existing filters while utilizing the same piping.ExecutionThe new screen filters were significantly larger than those we...

Platform & Jib Crane

Platform & Jib Crane

TaskSolution Services was asked to design two platforms to allow for access around a motor and filter screen as well as specifying a jib crane to allow for removal of the screen from the filter housing. The customer requested that we try to recycle old platforms that...

Lowerator Beam Replacement

Lowerator Beam Replacement

TaskSolution Services was asked to analyze the forces acting on the existing Lowerator beam to determine what was causing the cracking and deformation observed in the beam and then determine the best past forward to rectify the situation.ExecutionA combination of...

CO2 Suppression Cover

CO2 Suppression Cover

TaskSolution Services was tasked with creating a cover to assist with containing CO2 dispersed from the emergency suppression system. The cover is meant to reduce the volume of CO2 needed in the event of an emergency. ExecutionDue to space constraints between the...

2nd Production Line Addition

2nd Production Line Addition

TaskSolution Services was tasked with performing the engineering required to facilitate the installation of a second paper-treating production line adjacent to the existing production line located at a paper-treatment facility. This included equipment layouts,...